Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of Heart, Nr.3,  (Ýáåí)

Ïåòð Ýáåí (1929–2007)

Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of Heart, Nr.3

    Ñêà÷àòü íîòû

Âûâîäèòü çàïèñè: ïî ïîïóëÿðíîñòè | ïî ðåéòèíãó èñïîëíèòåëÿ | ïî àëôàâèòó

III. - Masks; `...we found ourselves on a very high tower. I saw on the earth a town, seeimngly fine and beutiful, divided into countless streets, squares, houses, bigger and smaller buildings, and it was crowded with people as if with insects... when first gazing at them, I saw how strangely they swayed to and fro, for some walked, some ran, some rode, some stood.. I then looked at them more carefully and saw directly, that everyone, when walked among the others, wore mask on his face, but

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