Музыка к фильму `Подружки` (1934–1935), op. 41a (Шостакович)

Дмитрий Шостакович (1906–1975)

Музыка к фильму `Подружки` (1934–1935), op. 41a


01. Introduction (Opening Credits) - Moderato (String Quartet) 0:00
02. The Year 1914 : The workers` residential block and factory gates - Allegretto (String Quartet) 3:01
03. The families wait...Читать дальше
01. Introduction (Opening Credits) - Moderato (String Quartet) 0:00
02. The Year 1914 : The workers` residential block and factory gates - Allegretto (String Quartet) 3:01
03. The families wait for the strikers to return - Allegretto (String Quartet, Trumpet, Piano) 5:09
04. `The Inn of the Keys to Happiness` - Allegretto moderato (String Quartet, Trumpet, Piano) 8:47
05. The children attempt to sing their `poppy song` - Allegretto (Instrumental Ensemble) 11:12
06. By the river : Revolution

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