The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): №17 `A shephеrd in a shade`,  (Доуленд)

Джон Доуленд (1563–1626)

The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): №17 `A shephеrd in a shade`

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A shepherd in a shade,
his plaining made,
of love and lovers wrong,
Unto the fairest lasse,
that trode on grasse,
and thus began his song.

Restore, restore my hart againe,
Which...Читать дальше
A shepherd in a shade,
his plaining made,
of love and lovers wrong,
Unto the fairest lasse,
that trode on grasse,
and thus began his song.

Restore, restore my hart againe,
Which love by thy sweet looks hath slaine,
Least that inforst by your distaine,
I sing, fie fie on love,
it is a foolish thing

Since love and fortune will,
I honour still,
your faire and lovely eye,
What conquest will it be,
Sweet nymph, for thee,
If I for sorrow dye.


My hart where have you laid
O cruell maide,
To kill when you might save,
Why have yee cast it forth
as nothing worth,
Without a tombe or grave.


O let it bee intombed and lye,
In your sweet minde and memorie,
Least I resound on every warbling string,
Fye fye on love
that is a foolish thing.

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записано в 1995г. в церкви св.Андрея, д.Тоддингтон, Бедфордшир, Англия


LA NEF: Sylvain Bergeron (lute, baroque guitar); Sean Dagher (cittern); Patrick Graham (percussion); Andrew Horton (double bass); Grégoire Jeay (flutes); Alex Kehler (violin); Amanda Keesmaat (baroque cello); Betsy MacMillan (viola da gamba). Recorded in September 2010 at Saint-Augustin Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel, Québec, Canada.