`Коридон и Миранда`, пасторальная интерлюдия (1750),  (Бойс)

Уильям Бойс (1711–1779)

`Коридон и Миранда`, пасторальная интерлюдия (1750)


1. Overture in G major: Allegro - Vivace
2. Recitative: It must be so
3. Air: If Cupid once the mind possess
4. Recitative: But see, he comes - I`ll wear a short disguise
5. Air: In vain,...Читать дальше
1. Overture in G major: Allegro - Vivace
2. Recitative: It must be so
3. Air: If Cupid once the mind possess
4. Recitative: But see, he comes - I`ll wear a short disguise
5. Air: In vain, Miranda, you complain
6. Recitative: Well, would you ease my breast and peace restore
7. Air: The silver rain, the pearly dew
8. Recitative: Away, away, nor ever see me more
9. Air: Rise, tempests, rise, cloud the skies!
10. Chorus: Joy were no joy, and pleasure vain

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Julia Gooding (soprano), Philippa Hyde (soprano), Joseph Cornwell (tenor) / Opera Restor`d, Peter Holman (conductor) / 1997
