15 век. Музыка двора Януса, короля Кипра,  (Неизвестный композитор)

Неизвестный композитор

15 век. Музыка двора Януса, короля Кипра

Янус (1375-1432) был королем Кипра (с 1398г.) и титульным королем Армянской Киликии и Иерусалима в 1398-1432 гг.


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Si doulcement me fait amours - Nulz vrais amans
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

Personet armonia
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

Je prens plaisir en une dame
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

Certes mout fu - Nous devons tresfort amer
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

Je prens d`amour noriture
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

Je sui trestout d`amour raimpli
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

Si doulchement mon ceur je sens souspris
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.

Sanctus in eternis - Sanctus et ingenitus
HUELGAS ENSEMBLE. Recorded at the Chapel of Abdij Marienlot, Belgium, June 16-18, 1993.
