`Сотворение мира` (`The Creation`) for medium voice and orchestra,  (Фортнер)

Вольфганг Фортнер (1907–1987)

`Сотворение мира` (`The Creation`) for medium voice and orchestra


By James Weldon Johnson

1. And God stepped out on space
2. Then God reached out
3. Then God himself stepped down
4. And He spat out the seven seas
5. Then the green grass sprouted
6. Then...Читать дальше
By James Weldon Johnson

1. And God stepped out on space
2. Then God reached out
3. Then God himself stepped down
4. And He spat out the seven seas
5. Then the green grass sprouted
6. Then God walked around
7. Up from the bed of the river
8. Amen isorhythmique

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Запись с концерта в Гамбурге 4 марта 1957 г.
