Part of composition,  (Дюмануар)

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2011, в церкви Сен-Огюстен-де-Мирабель, Канада

`Allegro` (Stockholm Ballet). LES BORÉADES DE MONTRÉAL. FRANCIS COLPRON (recorder, conductor). Recorded January 2011 at the Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada.

`Libertas` (Suite in F major). LES BORÉADES DE MONTRÉAL. FRANCIS COLPRON (recorder, conductor). Recorded January 2011 at the Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada.

`Hungaresca` (Stockholm Ballet). LES BORÉADES DE MONTRÉAL. FRANCIS COLPRON (recorder, conductor). Recorded January 2011 at the Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada.

`Ouverture` (Suite in F major). LES BORÉADES DE MONTRÉAL. FRANCIS COLPRON (recorder, conductor). Recorded January 2011 at the Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada.