Песня `Серенада` (“Serenade”) для голоса и фортепиано (1880),  (Дюпарк)

На стихи Габриэля Марка

Английский перевод:

If I were, o my love,
The breeze of a perfumed breath
Brushing against your cheerful mouth
I would become timid and charmed.

If I were the...Читать дальше
На стихи Габриэля Марка

Английский перевод:

If I were, o my love,
The breeze of a perfumed breath
Brushing against your cheerful mouth
I would become timid and charmed.

If I were the bee that flew,
Or the seductive butterfly,
You would not see me, frivolous,
Leave you for another flower.

If I were the charming rose
Which your hand placed on your heart
So near to you, all trembling,
I would faint with happiness.

But in vain I seek to please you.
I quite moan and sigh.
I am a man, and what can I do?
Love you . . . tell you so . . . and cry!

Х Свернуть

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Запись - 29-31 августа 1988 г., Великобритания.

Запись - 10-12 ноября 2003 г., Торонто.

Recorded: August 2015, Italy.

50-60-е гг.
