Пользователь: ElenaSH

Информация о пользователе ElenaSH (не в сети )


Тема:Псалом 23: `Gott ist mein Hirt` (Господь – Пастырь мой) для женского хора и фортепиано, оp. post. 132
(10.05.2010 00:39)
То же, что "Псалом 23 A flat major для женского хора и оркестра, D706
Op. post. 132". Объедините, пожалуйста!

Тема:Респонсории ночного бдения Страстного Четверга (Tenebrae), для 6 голосов (1611)
(11.01.2010 01:37)
Представлены два респонсория: 5. Judas mercator pessimus (2:38) и 8.
Una hora non potuistis (3:30)

Тема:Псалом 51 (Vulgata) `Miserere`
(03.01.2010 02:22)
Tenebrae (лат. «тени, тьма») – в римско-католическом церковном обряде
особые ночные богослужения Страстной седмицы.
Псалом 51 Вульгаты соответствует псалму 50 православной Псалтири.
Psalm 51:
51:1 victori canticum David
51:2 cum venisset ad eum Nathan propheta quando ingressus est ad
51:3 miserere mei Deus secundum misericordiam tuam iuxta multitudinem
miserationum tuarum dele iniquitates meas
51:4 multum lava me ab iniquitate mea et a peccato meo munda me
51:5 quoniam iniquitates meas ego novi et peccatum meum contra me est
51:6 tibi soli peccavi et malum coram te feci ut iustificeris in
sermonibus tuis et vincas cum iudicaveris
51:7 ecce in iniquitate conceptus sum et in peccato peperit me mater
51:8 ecce enim veritatem diligis absconditum et arcanum sapientiae
manifestasti mihi
51:9 asparges me hysopo et mundabor lavabis me et super nivem
51:10 auditum mihi facies gaudium et laetitiam ut exultent ossa quae
51:11 absconde faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes iniquitates meas
51:12 cor mundum crea mihi Deus et spiritum stabilem renova in
visceribus meis
51:13 ne proicias me a facie tua et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas
a me
51:14 redde mihi laetitiam Iesu tui et spiritu potenti confirma me
51:15 docebo iniquos vias tuas et peccatores ad te revertentur
51:16 libera me de sanguinibus Deus Deus salutis meae laudabit lingua
mea iustitiam tuam
51:17 Domine labia mea aperies et os meum adnuntiabit laudem tuam
51:18 non enim vis ut victimam feriam nec holocaustum tibi placet
51:19 sacrificium Dei spiritus contribulatus cor contritum et
humiliatum Deus non dispicies
51:20 benefac Domine in voluntate tua Sion et aedificentur muri
51:21 tunc suscipies sacrificium iustitiae oblationes et holocausta
tunc inponent super altare tuum vitulos

Тема:`A Survivor from Warsaw` (Выживший из Варшавы) (1947)
(27.12.2009 21:45)
A Survivor from Warsaw для чтеца, мужского хора и оркестра, op. 46
Исполнители: Хор и СО ВВС, Гюнтер Рейх (Gunter Reich) – чтец, запись
– Лондон 1976 г.

Текст Арнольда Шенберга

I cannot remember everything.
I must have been unconscious most of the time.
I remember only the grandiose moment
when they all started to sing as if prearranged,
the old prayer they had neglected for so many years
the forgotten creed!

But I have no recollection how I got underground
to live in the sewers of Warsaw for so long a time.

The day began as usual: Reveille when it still was dark.
Get out! Whether you slept or whether worries kept you awake the
whole night.
You had been separated from your children, from your wife, from your
you don’t know what happened to them how could you sleep?

The trumpets again –
Get out! The sergeant will be furious!
They came out; some very slow: the old ones, the sick ones;
some with nervous agility.
They fear the sergeant. They hurry as much as they can.

In vain! Much too much noise; much too much commotion – and not fast
The Feldwebel shouts: “Achtung! Stilljestanden! Na wirds mal? Oder
soll ich mit dem Jewehrkolben nachhelfen? Na jutt; wenn ihrs durchaus
haben wollt!”

The sergeant and his subordinates hit everybody:
young or old, quiet or nervous, guilty or innocent.
It was painful to hear them groaning and moaning.

I heard it though I had been hit very hard,
so hard that I could not help falling down.
We all on the ground who could not stand up were then beaten over the

I must have been unconscious. The next thing I knew was a soldier
“They are all dead”,
whereupon the sergeant ordered to do away with us.
There I lay aside half-conscious.
It had become very still – fear and pain.

Then I heard the sergeant shouting: “Abzahlen!”
They started slowly and irregularly: one, two, three, four
“Achtung!” the sergeant shouted again,
“Rascher! Nochmal von vorn anfangen!

In einer Minute will ich wissen,
wieviele ich zur Gaskammer abliefere!

They began again, first slowly: one, two, three, four,
became faster and faster, so fast
that it finally sounded like a stampede of wild horses,
and all of a sudden, in the middle of it,
they began singing the Sema’ Yisroel.

[Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad - Hear, O Israel: the
Lord is our God, the Lord is One]

Тема:Фантазия для фортепиано ре минор (1782)
(25.11.2009 23:25)
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