Пользователь: moon_river

Информация о пользователе moon_river (не в сети)
Ensemble Discantus: Christel Boiron (voice), Hélène de Carpignies (voice), Emmanuelle Gal (voice), Anne Guidet (voice), Kyung-Hee Han (voice), Lucie Jolivet (voice), Brigitte Le Baron (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, bells), Birute Liuoryte (voice), Anne Marteyn (voice), Catherine Schroeder (voice), Catherine Sergent (voice), Deya Marshall (bells) / Brigitte Lesne (dir.) / Église Sainte-Clotilde, Paris, France, 2002

Тьерри Корнийон (вокал), Оливье Феро (романская лютня). Аббатство Виньогул, 2014 год.

Ensemble Guidantus, Marco Pedrona solo violin and conductor

Запись - 27-29 октября 1982 г., Италия.

Ensemble `Gli Strali di Cupido`

released: 1992

I Solisti Veneti, conductor - Claudio Scimone. 1979

I Solisti Veneti, conductor - Claudio Scimone. 1979

The Locatelli Trio: Elizabeth Wallfisch - violin, Richard Tunnicliffe - cello, Paul Nicholson - harpsichord/organ

Albrecht Mayer (oboe) & New Seasons Ensemble / January 2008, Andreaskirche Berlin-Wannsee, Germany

Anthony Camden & Julia Girdwood (oboes) / London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1992, London

Heinz Holliger (oboe) / I Musici / Maria Teresa Garatti (cembalo) / 1967, Rome

Heinz Holliger & Maurice Bourgue (oboes) / I Musici / Maria Teresa Garatti (cembalo) / 1967, Rome

Anthony Camden (oboe) / London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1992, London

Anthony Camden & Julia Girdwood (oboes) / London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1992, London

Anthony Camden & Alison Alty (oboes) / London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1994, London

1994, London

London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1994, London

Anthony Camden (oboe) / London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1994, London

Anthony Camden & Alison Alty (oboes) / London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1994, London

Anthony Camden & Alison Alty (oboes) / London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra / con. John Georgiadis / 1994, London

Франк де Брюйн - гобой. Запись - 5-7 декабря 1994 г., Лондон.

Франк де Брюйн, Альфредо Бернардини - гобои. Запись - 5-7 декабря 1994 г., Лондон.

Запись - июль 1981 г., Швейцария.

Simon Dent (oboe) // Pforzheim Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, con. Vladislav Czarnecki // CD 1997

Rosita Frisani, Alessandra Vavasori (sopranos), Carlo Lepore (bass) / Cappella Augustana, con. Matteo Messori / 23-25 October 2000


Ensemble Mare Balticum

Robert Eisenstein (vielle, rebec, recorder), Christopher Kendall (lute harp, mandora), Scott Reiss (recorder, hammerd dulcimer, dumbek, psaltery, bells) & Johana Arnold (soprano), Tina Chancey (vielle, rebec, kamenj), Nancy Almquist (soprano), Elizabeth Bulkley (soprano) / Great Hall of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., 1990 or earlier

Robert Eisenstein (vielle, rebec, recorder), Christopher Kendall (lute harp, mandora), Scott Reiss (recorder, hammerd dulcimer, dumbek, psaltery, bells) & Johana Arnold (soprano), Tina Chancey (vielle, rebec, kamenj), Nancy Almquist (soprano), Elizabeth Bulkley (soprano) / Great Hall of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., 1990 or earlier

Cantiga 357 `Como torc` o dem` os nenbros` // Robert Eisenstein (vielle, rebec, recorder), Christopher Kendall (lute harp, mandora), Scott Reiss (recorder, hammerd dulcimer, dumbek, psaltery, bells) & Johana Arnold (soprano), Tina Chancey (vielle, rebec, kamenj), Nancy Almquist (soprano), Elizabeth Bulkley (soprano) / Great Hall of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., 1990 or earlier

Robert Eisenstein (vielle, rebec, recorder), Christopher Kendall (lute harp, mandora), Scott Reiss (recorder, hammerd dulcimer, dumbek, psaltery, bells) & Johana Arnold (soprano), Tina Chancey (vielle, rebec, kamenj), Nancy Almquist (soprano), Elizabeth Bulkley (soprano) / Great Hall of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., 1990 or earlier

Pierre Eyguesier (flutes, cromorne, percussions), Rene Nazet (hurdy-gurdy, mandora, regal, harpsichord, percussions), Maurice Guis (tambourin flute, panpipe, recorder, fife, oboe du Poitou, trumpet marine, regal, harpsicord, psalterion), Jean-Paul Porta (tambourin flute, tenor flute, guitar, percussions), Maurice Marechal, Jean Porta / ca. 1973-81

Cantiga 184 `A Madre de Deus` // Pierre Eyguesier (flutes, cromorne, percussions), Rene Nazet (hurdy-gurdy, mandora, regal, harpsichord, percussions), Maurice Guis (tambourin flute, panpipe, recorder, fife, oboe du Poitou, trumpet marine, regal, harpsicord, psalterion), Jean-Paul Porta (tambourin flute, tenor flute, guitar, percussions), Maurice Marechal, Jean Porta / ca. 1973-81

Pierre Eyguesier (flutes, cromorne, percussions), Rene Nazet (hurdy-gurdy, mandora, regal, harpsichord, percussions), Maurice Guis (tambourin flute, panpipe, recorder, fife, oboe du Poitou, trumpet marine, regal, harpsicord, psalterion), Jean-Paul Porta (tambourin flute, tenor flute, guitar, percussions), Maurice Marechal, Jean Porta / ca. 1973-81

Pepe Rey & Grupo SEMA / 1999

Ensemble Gilles Binchois, 2005

Cesar Carazo (canto tenor y fídula), Diana Real (canto y arpa), Felipe Sánchez (laúd, mandola y coro), Jaime Muñoz (kaval, flautas, gaita y coro) y Eduardo Paniagua (salterio, flautas y coro) / Madrid, 2013

Апрель 1988 г. Арр. М. Э. Гузман.

8–10 ноября 2009, Concert Hall, Wyastone Estate, Monmouth. 1 Triple Étude after Chopin A moll. 2 Coma Berenices E moll 2:13. 3 After Paganini-Liszt H moll 5:04. 4 Étude à mvmt. perpét. sembl. (after Alkan) C moll 10:02. 5 Toccata grottesca G moll 14:02. 6 Omaggio a Scarlatti D moll 18:39. 7 After Tchaikovsky Es moll 22:11. 8 Erlkönig B moll 27:12. 9 After Rossini Фа минор 31:16. 10 After Chopin Fis moll 35:42. 11 Minuetto Cis moll 37:42. 12 Prelude and Fugue As moll 44:

2016 год.

№5 Цикла `Chansons grises`.

Действующие лица и исполнители:

Моцарт / Mozart – Géori Boué
Мадам д`Эпине / Madame d`Épinay – Marthe Alicia
Гимар / La Guimard – Fanny Marette
М-ль де Сен-Пон / Mlle de Saint-Pons – Madeleine Delavaivre
Луиза / Louise – Huguette Hennetier
Барон Гримм / Le Baron Grimm – Roger Bourdin
Маркиз де Шамбрей / Marquis de Chambreuil – Bernard Dheran
Гримо / Grimaud – Jacques Pruvost

Обработка Е.Ерканяна. Грета Антонян - сопрано; Вардени Давтян - сопрано. Запись 1990 года.

Margaret Philpot, Caroline Trevor, Rogers Covey-Crump, John Mark Ainsley, Leigh Nixon (voices); Chrisopher Page, Andrew Lawrence-King (harps) / St-Jude-on-the-Hill, Hamstead, London, 1987

Margaret Philpot, Caroline Trevor, Rogers Covey-Crump, John Mark Ainsley, Leigh Nixon (voices); Chrisopher Page, Andrew Lawrence-King (harps) / St-Jude-on-the-Hill, Hamstead, London, 1987

Lorenza Donadini (soprano & dir.), Agnieszka Budzinska-Bennett (soprano), Giovanni Cantarini (tenor), Elizabeth Rumsey (vielle), Marc Lewon (plectrum lute, vielle), Uri Smilansky (vielle) / Piemont, Italy, 2008


Michael Collver (countertenor), Laurie Monahan (mezzo-soprano), Peter Becker (tenor), Shira Kammen (vielle), Crawford Young (lute) / Wellesley, MA, 1987

Ансамбли `Sequentia` и `Ensemble für Musik des Mittelalters`. Франция, 1989 год.

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