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Terezinha de Jesus
A Condessa – (The Countess)
Senhora Dona Sancha
O Cravo Brigou com a Rosa – (The Carnation Fought The Rose)
Pobre Cega – (Poor Blind Woman)
Passa, Passa Gavião – (Go...×èòàòü äàëüøå
Terezinha de Jesus
A Condessa – (The Countess)
Senhora Dona Sancha
O Cravo Brigou com a Rosa – (The Carnation Fought The Rose)
Pobre Cega – (Poor Blind Woman)
Passa, Passa Gavião – (Go Away, Go Away, Hawk)
Xô, Xô, Passarinho – (Shoo, Shoo, Little Bird)
Vamos Atrás de Serra, Calunga – Let`s Go to the Mountain, Calunga
Fui no Tororó – I went to Tororó
O Pintor de Cannahy – The Painter of Canai
Nesta Rua, Nesta Rua – In This Street
Olha o Passarinho, Dominé – Look at the Little Bird, Dominé
À Procura de uma Agulha – Looking for a Needle
A Canoa Virou – The Canoe Capsized
Que Lindos Olhos! – What Beautiful Eyes!
Có, Có, Có – Cheep, Cheep, Cheep

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1976 ã.

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