Кливлендский оркестр

Part I
1. Introduction: Shine Out (Anonymus)
2. The Merry Cuckoo (Edmund Spenser)
3. Spring, the Sweet Spring (Thomas Nashe)
4. The Driving Boy (George Peele, John Clare)
5. The Morning Star...Читать дальше
Part I
1. Introduction: Shine Out (Anonymus)
2. The Merry Cuckoo (Edmund Spenser)
3. Spring, the Sweet Spring (Thomas Nashe)
4. The Driving Boy (George Peele, John Clare)
5. The Morning Star (John Milton)
Part II
6. Welcome, Maids of Honour (Robert Herrick)
7. Waters Above! (Henry Vaughan)
8. Out on the lawn I lie in bed (W. H. Auden)
Part III
9. When will my May Come? (Richard Barnfield)
10. Fair and Fair (George Peele)
11. Sound the Flute! (William Blake)
Part IV
12. Finale: London, to Thee I do Present (Anon, closing words from `The Knight of the Burning Pestle` by Francis Beaumont)

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Helen Boatwright - soprano, Elaine Bonazzi - mezzo-soprano, John McCollum - tenor, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Cleveland Orchestra Children`s Chorus. 23.03.1967, Severance Hall, Cleveland
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