1. Night Journey. Allegro moderato
2. Joking. Allegretto leggiero
3. At the Old Castle. Lento
4. Song. Poco allegro
5. Peasant Ballad. Allegro giusto
6. Reminiscence. Andante
7. Furiant.... Читать дальше
1. Night Journey. Allegro moderato
2. Joking. Allegretto leggiero
3. At the Old Castle. Lento
4. Song. Poco allegro
5. Peasant Ballad. Allegro giusto
6. Reminiscence. Andante
7. Furiant. Allegro feroce
8. Goblins Dance. Allegretto
9. Serenade. Moderato e molto cantabile
10. Bacchanalia. Vivacissimo
11. Tittle-Tattle. Andante con moto
12. At the Tumulus. Grave. Tempo di marcia
13. At Svata hora. Poco lento

Х Свернуть

`Поэтические картинки (настроения)`, 13 пьес для фортепиано (1889), op. 85 (Дворжак)
? №№ 1, 7, 9, 13.
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