Мартин Бест

Мартин Бест (вокал)
A chantar m`er de so qu`en no volria,  (Beatrice de Dia)
Martin Best, Jremy Barlow, David Corkhill, Alastair McLachlan (playing: pipe, tabor, rebec, guitarra moresca, finger cymbals, lute, timbrel, voice, dulcimer, oud, tambura, nakers, psaltery, bells) / Nimbus Studio, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, 1983

A chantar m`er de so qu`en no volria,  (Beatrice de Dia)
Martin Best (voice, lute, psaltery, pottery drum), Libby Crabtree (soprano), Giles Chabonard (vielle), David Corkhill (hammer dulcimer, tambourine), Robin Jeffrey (cittern, oud, theorbo, laouto), Lucie Skeaping (violin, fidele, rebec, pipe), David Tosh (dulcimer, nakers, tabor), Rebecca Outram (soprano), Caris Lane (soprano), Natanja Hadda (alto), Susannah Spicer (alto), Matthew Vine (tenor), Paul Tindell (tenor) and other / Concert Hall of Nimbus Foundation, 1994
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