Тереза Райан

Тереза Райан (виолончель)
1. Nicht schnell
2. Einfach, innig
3. Nicht schnell

3 Romances for oboe (violin or clarinet) and piano (1849), Op. 94 (Schumann)
Канада, 2000.
1. Adagio. Langsam, mit innigem Ausdruck (Медленно, с проникновенным выражением) attaca -
2. Allegro. Rasch und feurig - Etwas ruhiger - Tempo I - Schneller (Скоро, пылко - немного спокойнее - 1 темп - Быстрее)

Adagio and Allegro As-dur for piano and French horn, ad lib. for cello or violin (1849), Op. 70 (Schumann)
FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Dein Angesicht`` from `Lieder und Gesänge, Op. 127, No. 2`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Am leuchtenden Sommermorgent`` from `Diechterliebe, Op. 48, No. 12`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Ihre Stimme`` from `Lieder und Gesänge, Op. 96, No. 3`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Röselein, Röselein`` from `Sechs Lieder, Op. 89, No. 6`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Aus den hebräischen Gesängen: Mein Herz ist schwer!`` from `Myrthen, Op. 25, No. 15`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Hör ich das Liedchen klingen`` from `Diechterliebe, Op. 48, No. 10`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Requiem`` from `Sechs Gedichte, Op. 90, No. 7`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Du Ring an meinem Finger`` from `Frauenliebe und Leben, Op. 42, No. 4`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Aus den östlichen Rosenr`` from `Myrthen, Op. 25, No. 25`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Meine Rose`` from `Sechs Gedichte, Op. 90, No. 2`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Ich grolle nicht`` from `Diechterliebe, Op. 48, No 7`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Die Lotosblume`` from `Myrthen, Op. 25, Op. 7`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Widmung`` from `Myrthen, Op. 25, No. 1`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Stille Tränen`` from `Zwölf Gedichte, Op. 35, No. 10`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Ich will meine Seele tauchen`` from `Diechterliebe, Op. 48, No. 5`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``Im wunderschönen Monat Mai`` from `Diechterliebe, Op. 48, No. 1`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.

Parts of the compositions,  (Schumann)
``In der Fremde`` from `Liederkreis, Op. 39, No. 1`. FRANCINE CHABOT (piano). Recorded at Salle Françoys-Bernier, Domaine Forget, Saint-Irénée (Québec), Canada, October 11-13, 2000.
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