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1. Prelude (dans le style de Seb.Bach)
2. Recitative and Chorus: Et pastores erant - Gloria
3. Air (sopran): Expectans expectavi Dominum
4. Air (tenor) and Chorus: Domine, ego credidi
5. Duet...Читать дальше
1. Prelude (dans le style de Seb.Bach)
2. Recitative and Chorus: Et pastores erant - Gloria
3. Air (sopran): Expectans expectavi Dominum
4. Air (tenor) and Chorus: Domine, ego credidi
5. Duet (sopran, bass): Bendedictus qui venit
6. Chorus: Quare fremuerunt gentes
7. Trio (sopran, tenor, bass): Tecum principium
8. Quartet: Alleluja
9. Quintet and Chorus: Consurge, Filia Sion
10. Chorus: Tollite hostias

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Verena Schweizer, Edith Wiens - sopranos; Helena Jungwirth - mezzo-soprano; Friedrich Melzer - tenor; Kurt Widmer - bass. Bachchor & Bachorchester Mainz. Запись - 26 июня 1976 г., Майнц.

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