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№5 - `Любовный напиток` (на тему Доницетти)12.10.2008,
виолончель: Кристиано Фрисендо, фортепиано: Паоло Беретто

alexa_minsk (01.10.2011 16:36)
а русская транскрипция фамилии правильная? Как-то непривычно для слуха...

alexshmurak (01.10.2011 16:39)
alexa_minsk писал(а):
а русская транскрипция фамилии правильная?
Как-то непривычно для слуха...
другой не встречал. Кто встречал другую, просьба

ostatnik (01.10.2011 17:44)
alexa_minsk писал(а):
а русская транскрипция фамилии правильная?
Как-то непривычно для слуха...
Возможно две `р` на конце, но вряд ли.

ostatnik (01.10.2011 17:49)
ostatnik писал(а):
Возможно две `р` на конце, но вряд ли.
in Turin in 1964, he graduated with outstanding grades under the guidance of M° Fantini
and subsequently specialized with M° Brengola at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, M°
Yokanovic, M° Mosesti and M° Marin.
For several years, he has collaborated with many prestigious Symphony Orchestras such as
the Orchestra della RAI of Turin (performing with them both in Italy and abroad with
well-known soloists and Orchestra Directors), Orchestra Sinfonica of Sanremo, Orchestra
dei Filarmonici of Turin and the Piccola Sinfonica of Milan and has won many auditions.
Specializing with Wien Barok in Ancient music, he has performed as soloist in many
concerts in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, England and Holland, in particular the
prestigious Festival Mozart in Lille stands out, where he performed the concertos of
Giovanni Battista Somis for violin and strings in the Great Hall of the Palazzo Comunale.
He has recorded for Tactus La Bersabea, an oratorio by Giulio D` Alessandri, for Amadeus
the concertos and quintets by Mauro Giuliani, and for Opus 111 of Paris a CD of music by
Isabella Leonarda, the early Italian Baroque woman composer. In an article published by
the magazine Fanfare the American musical critic Brian Robins wrote, `Fabio Bellofiore`s
violin produces the best performance to be heard, stylized but full of dramatic impulse
and projected in the best Italian style of playing music on antique instruments`.
In 2001 he founded the Baroque Ensemble `Isabella Leonarda` and has performed in various
musical manifestations and festivals as first violinist. In October 2003 he recorded music
by Suor Maria Xaveria Peruchona, Ursuline, from the 1600`s for the record house ` SvaNa
srl` and in 2007 Il quaderno dell` Imperatrice by Farinelli for the record label
In 1999 he won the prize, `Umberto Barozzi` for art, a very prestigious artistic
recognition sponsored by the Province and the City of Novara under the patronage of the
President of the Republic, awarded in the previous year to the pianist, Simone Pedroni.
Having won a competition with the highest honors, he was named full professor of violin
in the S.M.S strumentale `Duca d` Aosta` in Novara.

(Лень переводить, но есть гугл))
По этой же ссылке -
http://www.concertoclassics.it/english/artisti/biografia.php?codice=240 есть и фото
исполнителя. Просьба всё это добавить в Архив.

alexa_minsk (01.10.2011 18:27)
ostatnik писал(а):
Возможно две `р` на конце, но вряд ли.
я имел
ввиду композитора, а не исполнителя

precipitato (01.10.2011 19:04)
alexa_minsk писал(а):
я имел ввиду композитора, а не
Я встречал вариант Данкла.

ostatnik (01.10.2011 20:50)
precipitato писал(а):
Я встречал вариант Данкла.
Да, Вы правы,
как и alexa_minsk, очень часто встречается именно ДанклА Шарль. Но вообщее `в ходу`, в
обиходе больше именно изменившееся Я - Данкля. В нотах же встречаются 2 варианта

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