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Âîêàëüíûé êâàðòåò ``The Little Match Girl Passion`` (``Ñòðàñòè ïî äåâî÷êå ñî ñïè÷êàìè``) after H.C. Andersen, H.P. Paull, Picander & St. Matthew (2007). Theatre of Voices with Ars Nova Copenhagen. Conductor - Paul Hillier. Çàïèñü 2007 ã.

reaktsioner (03.06.2012 00:05)
``The Little Match Girl Passion``:
01 Come, Daughter
02 It Was Terribly Cold
03 Dearest Heart
04 In an Old Apron
05 Penance And Remorse
06 Lights Were Shining
07 Patience, Patience!
08 Ah! Perhaps
09 Have Mercy, My God
10 She Lighted Another Match
11 From the Sixth Hour
12 She Again Rubbed a Match
13 When It Is Time For Me To Go
14 In the Dawn of Morning
15 We Sit And Cry

becarre (03.07.2012 13:00)
êàêàÿ ïîòðÿñàþùàÿ ìóçûêà!

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