Луи Андриссен - Прелюдия h-moll из Хорошо темперированного клавира Иоганна Себастьяна Баха, обработка для струнного квартета (2006)
Том 1, №24, BWV 869. К Дженис Сасскинд и Тони Фэллу из Boosey & Hawkes.
Wim de Jong - violin, Henk Guittart - viola, Viola de Hoog - cello. Recorded: 24 April 2007, Oude Dorpskerk, Bunnik.
for string quartet with the first six bars augmenteg with a viola part by Igor Stravinsky,
now completed by Louis Andriessen, 2006.
`Prelude in b from Das wohltemperierte Klavier, part 1
The encore on this CD is a musical homage to Andriessen`s attendant spirits Bach and
Stravinsky. Two years prior to his death, Stravinsky started on a string quartet
adaptation of parts of Bach`s Wohltemperierte Klavier. To the three-part prelude in b
minor from part 1, he had added a viola as a fourth part, but the work came to a halt
after six bars. Andriessen completed it in the spirit of Bach and Stravinsky, that is to
say, with the proper good notes and the occasional proper bad notes. Scrutinize it, put it
under the microscope if you will, and shudder at the parallel fourths and seconds in bar
33 and the excentric chromaticism of the antepenultimate bar 45.` (c) Elmer Schoenberger,
полагает, что она зарабатывает.