Чикагский симфонический оркестр

Heavens! I am still alive! (Lelio)
I. The Fisherman
Strange... (Lelio)
II. Chorus of the Shades
O Shakespeare! (Lelio)
III. Brigand`s Song
How my spirit wanders... (Lelio)
IV. Song of...Читать дальше
Heavens! I am still alive! (Lelio)
I. The Fisherman
Strange... (Lelio)
II. Chorus of the Shades
O Shakespeare! (Lelio)
III. Brigand`s Song
How my spirit wanders... (Lelio)
IV. Song of Bliss
Oh, why cannot... (Lelio)
V. Aeolian Harp. Recollections
But why abandon... (Lelio)
VI. Fantasie on Shakespeare`s `Tempest`

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Mario Zeffiri - tenor, Kyle Ketelsen - bass-baritone. Chicago Symphony Chorus - Duain Wolfe. Запись - 23-25, 28 сентября 2010 г., Чикаго.
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