1. Introduction and dance of Nymphs
2. Introduction, Adagio of Aegina and Harmodius
3. Variation of Aegina and Bacchanalia
4. Scene and Dance of Crotalums
5. Dance of the Gaditanae... Читать дальше
1. Introduction and dance of Nymphs
2. Introduction, Adagio of Aegina and Harmodius
3. Variation of Aegina and Bacchanalia
4. Scene and Dance of Crotalums
5. Dance of the Gaditanae and Victory of Spartacus

1. Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia
2. Entrance of Merchants / Dance of roman Courtesan / General Dance
3. Entrance of Spartacus / Quarrel / Harmodius` Treachery
4. The Dance of the Pirates

1. In the market Place
2. Dance of the ethiopian Boy and Dance of the grecian Slave
3. Dance tof the egyptian Maidens
4. Phrygia`s prophecy and Farewell to Spartacus / Parting of Spartacus and Phrygia
5. Sword Dance

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Сюиты из балета «Спартак», op. 82 (Хачатурян)
Сюита №1: 1.Introduction and dance of Nymphs; 2.Introduction, Adagio of Aegina and Harmodius; 3.Variation of Aegina and Bacchanalia; 4.Scene and Dance of Crotalums; 5.Dance of the Gaditanae and Victory of Spartacus // записано в Концертном зале им. А.Хачатуряна (Ереван) // CD 1999 (ASV ltd, London)

Сюиты из балета «Спартак», op. 82 (Хачатурян)
Сюита №2: 1.Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia; 2.Entrance of Merchants/Dance of roman Courtesan/General Dance; 3.Entrance of Spartacus/Quarrel/Harmodius` Treachery; 4.The Dance of the Pirates // записано в Концертном зале им. А.Хачатуряна (Ереван) // CD 1999 (ASV ltd, London)

Сюиты из балета «Спартак», op. 82 (Хачатурян)
Сюита №3: 1.In the market Place; 2.Dance of the ethiopian Boy and Dance of the grecian Slave; 3.Dance tof the egyptian Maidens; 4.Phrygia`s Prophecy and Farewell to Spartacus/Parting of Spartacus and Phrygia; 5.Sword Dance // записано в Концертном зале им. А.Хачатуряна (Ереван) // CD 1999 (ASV ltd, London)

Сюиты из балета «Спартак», op. 82 (Хачатурян)
1.Variation of Aegina and Bacchanalia; 2.Scene and Dance with Crotalums; 3.Adagio of Sprtacus and Phrygia; 4.Dance of Gaditanae & Victory of Spartacus // записано в Концертном зале им. А.Хачатуряна (Ереван) // CD 1991 (ASV ltd, London)
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