Sweetest little fellow, everybody knows;
Don`t know what to call him but he`s mighty like a rose!
Lookin` at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue,
Makes you think that heaven is comin` close to... Читать дальше
Sweetest little fellow, everybody knows;
Don`t know what to call him but he`s mighty like a rose!
Lookin` at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue,
Makes you think that heaven is comin` close to you.
When he`s there a-sleepin` in his little place,
Think I see the angels looking thro` the lace.
Источник teksty-pesenok.ru
When the dark is falling, when the shadows creep,
Then they come on tip-toe to kiss him in his sleep.
Sweetest little fellow, everybody knows,
Don`t know what to call him but he`s mighty like a rose!
Lookin` at his mammy with eyes so shiny blue,
Makes you think that heaven is comin` close to you.

Х Свернуть

Песня `Могучий как роза` (`Mighty Lak` A Rose`, 1901),  (Невин)
Walter B. Rogers - conductor. Запись - 24 мая 1915 г., Нью-Йорк.