Эрнст Леви

Эрнст Леви (фортепиано)
No.1 - Intermezzo. Allegro non assai
No.2 - Intermezzo. Andante teneramente
No.3 - Ballade. Allegro enrgico
No.4 - Intermezzo. Allegretto un poco agitato
No.5 - Romanze. Andante
No.6 - Intermezzo. Andante, largo e mesto

6 Pieces for Piano (1893), Op.118 (Brahms)
Ор. 118, № 1-3. Performed 14 November 1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Ко дню рождения Клары Шуман

Variations and Fugue on a theme by Händel for Рiano (1861), Op. 24 (Brahms)
Performed 22 March 1959, Kresge Auditorium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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