Анджела Хьюитт

Анджела Хьюитт (фортепиано)
BWV 933 — до мажор
BWV 934 — до минор
BWV 935 — pе минор
BWV 936 — pе мажор
BWV 937 — ми мажор
BWV 938 — ми минор

6 Little Preludes, BWV  933-938 (Bach)

The Well-Tempered Clavier. Vol.1, BWV  846-869 (Bach)
Запись - 8-16 сентября 2008 г., Берлин.

The Well-Tempered Clavier. Vol.1, BWV  846-869 (Bach)
Recorded in tne Beethovensaal, Hannover, 5-7 June & 17-19 December 1997.
Invention in C major, BWV 772
Invention in C minor, BWV 773
Invention in D major, BWV 774
Invention in D minor, BWV 775
Invention in E♭ major, BWV 776
Invention in E major, BWV 777... Читать дальше
Invention in C major, BWV 772
Invention in C minor, BWV 773
Invention in D major, BWV 774
Invention in D minor, BWV 775
Invention in E♭ major, BWV 776
Invention in E major, BWV 777
Invention in E minor, BWV 778
Invention in F major, BWV 779
Invention in F minor, BWV 780
Invention in G major, BWV 781
Invention in G minor, BWV 782
Invention in A major, BWV 783
Invention in A minor, BWV 784
Invention in B♭ major, BWV 785
Invention in B minor, BWV 786

Х Свернуть

Two Part Inventions (1720-23), BWV  772-786 (Bach)
Beethovensaal, Hanover, Germany, 3–5 January 1994

Kleine Präluden from Wilhelm Friedmann Bach notebook, BWV  924-932 (Bach)
BWV 924-928
Sinfonia No.1 in C major, BWV 787
Sinfonia No.2 in C minor, BWV 788
Sinfonia No.3 in D major, BWV 789
Sinfonia No.4 in D minor, BWV 790
Sinfonia No.5 in E♭ major, BWV 791
Sinfonia No.6... Читать дальше
Sinfonia No.1 in C major, BWV 787
Sinfonia No.2 in C minor, BWV 788
Sinfonia No.3 in D major, BWV 789
Sinfonia No.4 in D minor, BWV 790
Sinfonia No.5 in E♭ major, BWV 791
Sinfonia No.6 in E major, BWV 792
Sinfonia No.7 in E minor, BWV 793
Sinfonia No.8 in F major, BWV 794
Sinfonia No.9 in F minor, BWV 795
Sinfonia No.10 in G major, BWV 796
Sinfonia No.11 in G minor, BWV 797
Sinfonia No.12 in A major, BWV 798
Sinfonia No.13 in A minor, BWV 799
Sinfonia No.14 in B♭ major, BWV 800
Sinfonia No.15 in B minor, BWV 801

Х Свернуть

Three Part Inventions (1720-23), BWV  787-801 (Bach)
Beethovensaal, Hanover, Germany, 3–5 January 1994

Five Little Preludes, BWV  939-943 (Bach)

The Well-Tempered Clavier. Vol.2, BWV  870-893 (Bach)
Запись - 8-16 сентября 2008 г., Берлин.

The Well-Tempered Clavier. Vol.2, BWV  870-893 (Bach)
Recorded in tne Beethovensaal, Hannover, 17-19 August 1998 & 21-23 March 1999.
1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante I & II
4. Double I & II
5. Sarabande
6. Bourree I & II
7. Gigue

English Suite No.1 in A-dur, BWV  806 (Bach)
August 2002, Henry Wood Hall, London
1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande
4. Anglaise
5. Menuet I & II
6. Gigue

French Suite №3 in h-moll, BWV  814 (Bach)
1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Passepied I & II
6. Gigue

English Suite No.5 in e-moll, BWV  810 (Bach)
Henry Wood Hall, London / 2003
1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande
4. Air
5. Menuet I & II
6. Gigue

French Suite №2 in с-moll, BWV  813 (Bach)
по первой части сонаты № 3 для скрипки соло, BWV 1005

Adagio G-dur, BWV  968 (Bach)
записано в 2004г. в Лондоне

Prelude and Fugue a-moll, BWV  894 (Bach)
Aria variata alla maneria italiana in a-moll

Aria variata alla maneria italiana, BWV  989 (Bach)
Запись - февраль 2004 г., Лондон.

The Art of the Fugue, BWV 1080 (Bach)
2013, Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin
1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Gavotte I & II
6. Gigue

English Suite No.6 in d-moll, BWV  811 (Bach)
August 2002, Henry Wood Hall, London

English Suite No.6 in d-moll, BWV  811 (Bach)
Recorded at La Chaux-de-Fonds, Salle de Musique, 1985.
1. Prelude
2. Sarabande en rondeau
3. Gigue


Suite for keyboard in f-moll, BWV  823 (Bach)
2004, Лондон
1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande
4. Menuet I & II
5. Gigue

French Suite №1 in d-moll, BWV  812 (Bach)
- ария
- 30 вариаций
- ария da capo

Goldberg-Variations (1741-1742), BWV  988 (Bach)
Запись: 28 августа - 1 сентября 1999 г., Лондон.

Goldberg-Variations (1741-1742), BWV  988 (Bach)
2015, Германия
1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Bourree I & II
6. Gigue

English Suite No.2 in a-moll, BWV  807 (Bach)
Запись - март/апрель 2003 г., Henry Wood Hall, Лондон.
Автограф отсутствует. Приписывалась также К.Ф.Э. Баху, однако авторство обоих сомнительно.
Возможно, автором является другой сын И.С. Баха.

1. -
2. Adagio
3. Allegro

Sonata for flute and harpsichord in g-moll, BWV 1020 (H.542.5) (Bach)
2011, Берлин, Jesus-Christus-Kirche
[—] - Adagio - Fuga - Finale

Toccata No.2 in c-moll, BWV  911 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in January 2002.

Toccata No.4 in d-moll, BWV  913 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, January 2002
1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Gavotte I & II (ou la Musette)
6. Gigue

English Suite No.3 in g-moll, BWV  808 (Bach)
Recorded: August 2002, Henry Wood Hall, London.
1. Prelude
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Menuet I & II
6. Gigue

English Suite No.4 in F-dur, BWV  809 (Bach)
Henry Wood Hall, London / 2003

Prelude for lute in c-moll, BWV  999 (Bach)
Запись 1995 г.
1. Andante
2. Large e dolce
3. Presto - Allegro

Sonata I for Flute and Basso Continuo in h-moll (1737), BWV 1030 (Bach)
2011, Берлин, Jesus-Christus-Kirche
Авторское переложение утерянного скрипичного концерта (см. BWV 1056R)

1. [no tempo]
2. Largo
3. Presto

Keyboard Concerto No.5 in f-moll (1738?), BWV 1056 (Bach)
Britten Sinfonia, Angela Hewitt - piano/director. Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 4 April 2011.

Keyboard Concerto No.5 in f-moll (1738?), BWV 1056 (Bach)
Angela Hewitt (piano) // Australian Chamber Orchestra - conductor Richard Tognetti // Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005

Keyboard Concerto No.5 in f-moll (1738?), BWV 1056 (Bach)
CBC VANCOUVER ORCHESTRA, Mario BERNARDI (conductor). Taken from a LP recorded by CBC RADIO-CANADA at Orpheum, Vancouver, Canada, 1987.

Ich ruf` zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV  639 (Bach)
1. Allemande
2. Air pour les Trompettes
3. Sarabande
4. Bourree
5. Gigue

автор - Г.Ф.Телеман

Partita for Klavier in A-dur, BWV  832 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in February 2004.
1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande
4. Gavotte
5. Air
6. Gigue

French Suite №4 in Es-dur, BWV  815 (Bach)
1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande
4. Gavotte
5. Menuet polonais - Petit Menuet
6. Bourree
7. Gigue

French Suite №6 in E-dur, BWV  817 (Bach)

Capriccio `In Honorem Joh. Cristoph. Bacchii` in E-dur (c.1705), BWV  993 (Bach)
October 2000, Henry Wood Hall, London

Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in d-moll (ca. 1723?), BWV  903 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hanover, Germany, on 3–5 January 1994
1. Adagio
2. Allegro
3. Andante
4. Allegro

авторская транскрипция сонаты BWV 1003 для скрипки соло

Sonata for klavier in d-moll, BWV  964 (Bach)

Toccata No.1 in fis-moll, BWV  910 (Bach)
Toccata in fis-moll, BWV 910. Label: Hyperion. Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in January 2002.
1. Allegro
2. Adagio ma non tanto e dolce
3. Alla breve

Авторская транскрипция клавирных Прелюдии и фуги ля минор BWV 894 (части 1 и 3) и средней части органной Сонаты ре минор BWV 527 (часть 2)

Concerto for Flute, Violin, Harpsichord & basso continuo in a-moll (ca. 1738–40?), BWV 1044 (Bach)
Richard Tognetti (violin & direction), Alison Mitchell (flute), Angela Hewitt (piano) // Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005
1. Adagio ma non tanto
2. Allegro
3. Andante
4. Allegro

Sonata V for Flute and Basso Continuo in e-moll (1717–1723?), BWV 1034 (Bach)
2011, Берлин, Jesus-Christus-Kirche
1. Allegro moderato
2. Siciliano
3. Allegro

Sonata II for Flute and Basso Continuo in Es-dur, BWV 1031 (Bach)
2011, Берлин, Jesus-Christus-Kirche
Аранжировка утерянного скрипичного концерта (см. BWV 1052R).

1. Allegro
2. Adagio
3. Allegro

Keyboard Concerto No.1 in d-moll (1738?), BWV 1052 (Bach)
Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005

Keyboard Concerto No.1 in d-moll (1738?), BWV 1052 (Bach)
Taken from a LP recorded by CBC RADIO-CANADA at Orpheum, Vancouver, Canada, 1987.
[—] - Un poco allegro - Adagio - Fuga

Toccata No.5 in e-moll, BWV  914 (Bach)
Лондон, 2002.
1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande
4. Gavotte
5. Bourree
6. Loure
7. Gigue

French Suite №5 in G-dur, BWV  816 (Bach)
1. Ouverture
2. Courante
3. Gavotte
4. Passepied
5. Sarabande
6. Bourree
7. Gigue
8. Echo

Partita for keyboard in h-moll (French Overture), BWV  831 (Bach)
Henry Wood Hall, London, October 2000
Авторство сомнительно. Автором может быть К.Ф.Э. Бах.

1. Andante - Presto
2. Allegro
3. Adagio
4. Menuett I & II

Sonata IV for flute and Basso Continuo in C-dur (ca. 1731), BWV 1033 (Bach)
2011, Берлин, Jesus-Christus-Kirche
1. [no tempo]
2. Andante
3. Presto

Italian Concerto in F-dur (1735), BWV  971 (Bach)
Henry Wood Hall, London, October 2000

Italian Concerto in F-dur (1735), BWV  971 (Bach)
Запись 1985 г., Швейцария.

Fantasia and Fugue in a-moll, BWV  944 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in February 2004.
1. Praeludium
2. Allemande
3. Corrente
4. Sarabande
5. Menuet I-II
6. Giga

Partita for keyboard No.1 in B-dur, BWV  825 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hannover, in June 1996.

Partita for keyboard No.1 in B-dur, BWV  825 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2018, Italy.
1. Toccata
2. Allemande
3. Corrente
4. Air
5. Sarabande
6. Tempo di gavotta
7. Gigue

Partita for keyboard No.6 in e-moll, BWV  830 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hannover, in January 1997.

Partita for keyboard No.6 in e-moll, BWV  830 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2018, Italy.

4 Duets - `Klavier-Übung` III, BWV  802-805 (Bach)
Запись 1985 г., Швейцария.
1. Adagio ma non tanto
2. Allegro
3. Siciliano
4. Allegro assai

Sonata VI for Flute and Basso Continuo in E-dur (1717–1723?), BWV 1035 (Bach)
2011, Берлин, Jesus-Christus-Kirche
группа концертино: клавесин, скрипка, флейта
прочие: скрипка, альт, виолончель, виолон, цифрованный бас.

1. Allegro
2. Affettuoso
3. Allegro

Brandenburg Concerto No.5 in D-dur (1720-21?), BWV 1050 (Bach)
Richard Tognetti (violin & direction), Alison Mitchell (flute), Angela Hewitt (piano) // Australian Chamber Orchestra // Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005

Toccata No.6 in g-moll, BWV  915 (Bach)
Лондон, 2002.
1. (Allegro maestoso)
2. (Grave)
3. Fugato
4. Adagio
5. Fuga. Thema all`imitatio Gallina cuccu

Sonata in d-moll for keyboard  (`Gallina cuccu`), BWV  963 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in February 2004.
1. Sinfonia
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Sarabande
5. Rondeaux
6. Capriccio

Partita for keyboard No.2 in c-moll (1726), BWV  826 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hannover, in June 1996.

Partita for keyboard No.2 in c-moll (1726), BWV  826 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2018, Italy.
Аранжировка Бранденбургского концерта №4 соль мажор (BWV 1049).

1. [Allegro]
2. Andante
3. Allegro assai

Concerto for keyboard, 2 recorders and strings № 6 in F-dur (1738?), BWV 1057 (Bach)
флейты - Alison Mitchell & Emma Sholl // Сидней, 2005

Fantasia and Fugue in a-moll, BWV  904 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in February 2004.
из 2-й нотной тетради А.М.Бах

Chorale prelude `Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten`, BWV  691 (Bach)
Recorded: February 2004, Henry Wood Hall, London
1. Arioso (Льстивые уговоры друзей воздержаться от путешествия)
2. Andante (О различных казусах, которые могут приключиться с ним на чужбине)
3. Adagiosissimo (Всеобщий плач друзей)
4.... Читать дальше
1. Arioso (Льстивые уговоры друзей воздержаться от путешествия)
2. Andante (О различных казусах, которые могут приключиться с ним на чужбине)
3. Adagiosissimo (Всеобщий плач друзей)
4. Andante con moto (Приходят друзья и, видя, что ничего не поделать, прощаются с ним)
5. Allegro poco. Aria del postiglione
6. Fuga all`imitazione della posta (Подражание рожку почтальона)

Х Свернуть

Capriccio on the Departure of a Beloved Brother B-dur, BWV  992 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in October 2000.
Аранжировка утерянного концерта для гобоя д`амур (см. BWV 1055R)

1. Allegro
2. Larghetto
3. Allegro ma non tanto

Keyboard Concerto No.4 in A-dur, BWV 1055 (Bach)
Angela Hewitt (piano) // Australian Chamber Orchestra - conductor Richard Tognetti // Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005

Chorale prelude `Jesus, meine Zuversicht`, BWV  728 (Bach)
Recorded: February 2004, Henry Wood Hall, London

Fantasia and Fugue in c-moll, BWV  906 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hannover, in January 1994.
Авторское переложение скрипичного концерта BWV 1041

1. [Allegro]
2. Andante
3. Allegro assai

Keyboard Concerto No.7 in g-moll (1738?), BWV 1058 (Bach)
Angela Hewitt (piano) // Australian Chamber Orchestra - conductor Richard Tognetti // Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005
Авторское переложение скрипичного концерта BWV 1042

1. [no tempo]
2. Adagio e piano sempre
3. Allegro

Keyboard Concerto No.3 in D-dur, BWV 1054 (Bach)
Angela Hewitt (piano) // Australian Chamber Orchestra - conductor Richard Tognetti // Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005
[—] - Adagio - Allegro e presto

Toccata No.7 in G-dur, BWV  916 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in January 2002.
1. Fantasia
2. Allemande
3. Corrente
4. Sarabande
5. Burlesca
6. Scherzo
7. Gigue

Partita for keyboard No.3 in a-moll, BWV  827 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hannover, in January 1997.

Partita for keyboard No.3 in a-moll, BWV  827 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2018, Italy.
1. Ouverture
2. Allemande
3. Courante
4. Aria
5. Sarabande
6. Menuet
7. Gigue

Partita for keyboard No.4 in D-dur, BWV  828 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hannover, in June 1996.

Partita for keyboard No.4 in D-dur, BWV  828 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2018, Italy.

Fugue C-dur, BWV  953 (Bach)
Fugue in C-dur, BWV 953. Angela Hewitt - piano. Label: Hyperion. Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in February 2004.
[Presto] - Allegro - Adagio - Con discrezione - [Fuga]

Toccata No.3 in D-dur, BWV  912 (Bach)
Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London, in January 2002.
1. Vivace
2. Adagio
3. Allegro

Sonata for viola da gamba & harpsichord No.3 g-moll (ca. 1742), BWV 1029 (Bach)
из альбома 2007г. выпуска
1. Praeambulum
2. Allemande
3. Corrente
4. Sarabande
5. Tempo di menuetto
6. Passepied
7. Giga

Partita for keyboard No.5 in G-dur, BWV  829 (Bach)
Recorded in the Beethovensaal, Hannover, in January 1997.

Partita for keyboard No.5 in G-dur, BWV  829 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2018, Italy.
1. Adagio
2. Allegro ma non tanto
3. Andante
4. Allegro moderato

Авторское переложение трио-сонаты BWV 1039

Sonata for viola da gamba & harpsichord No.1 G-dur (ca. 1742), BWV 1027 (Bach)
из альбома 2007г. выпуска
1. Adagio
2. Allegro
3. Andante
4. Allegro

Sonata for viola da gamba & harpsichord No.2 D-dur (ca. 1742), BWV 1028 (Bach)
из альбома 2007г. выпуска
Аранжировка утерянного гобойного концерта (см. BWV 1053R).

1. [no tempo]
2. Siciliano
3. Allegro

Keyboard Concerto No.2 in E-dur, BWV 1053 (Bach)
записано в 1985г. в Канаде

Keyboard Concerto No.2 in E-dur, BWV 1053 (Bach)
Angela Hewitt (piano) // Australian Chamber Orchestra - conductor Richard Tognetti // Recorded in Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia, February 2005

Keyboard Concerto No.2 in E-dur, BWV 1053 (Bach)
CBC VANCOUVER ORCHESTRA, Mario BERNARDI (conductor). Taken from a LP recorded by CBC RADIO-CANADA at Orpheum, Vancouver, Canada, 1987.
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