Лионель Рогг

Лионель Рогг (орган)
Alla breve D-dur, BWV  589 (Bach)
орган И.Зильбермана в Арлесхайме, Швейцария.

Canzona for organ d-moll, BWV  588 (Bach)
орган И.Зильбермана в Арлесхайме, Швейцария.
1. -
2. Grave
3. Presto

Обработка концерта Иоганна Эрнста IV Саксен-Веймарского

Concerto for organ No.1 G-dur (by J.Ernst), BWV  592 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark
1. -
2. Adagio
3. Allegro

Переложение скрипичного концерта А.Вивальди Op. 3/8 RV522

Concerto for organ No.2 in a-moll (by A.Vivaldi), BWV  593 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark
1. -
2. Recitativo: Adagio
3. Allegro

переложение скрипичного концерта А.Вивальди `Grosso mogul` RV208

Concerto for organ No.3 in C-dur (by A.Vivaldi), BWV  594 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Обработка концерта Иоганна Эрнста IV Саксен-Веймарского

Concerto for organ №4 C-dur (by J.Ernst), BWV  595 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark
1. Allegro - Grave - Fuga
2. Lagro e spicatto
3. -

транскрипция концерта А.Вивальди Op.3/11 RV565

Concerto for organ No.5 in d-moll (by A.Vivaldi), BWV  596 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Chorale prelude `Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr`, BWV  662 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr`, BWV  663 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `An Wasserflüssen Babylon`, BWV  653 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Leipziger Chorales: Chorale prelude `Fantasia super: Komm, heiliger Geist`, BWV  651 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, alio modo`, BWV  666 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV  665 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist`, BWV  667 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Komm, heiliger Geist` (alio modo), BWV  652 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Nun danket alle Gott`, BWV  657 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, in organo pleno`, BWV  661 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland`, BWV  659 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `O lamm Gottes, unschuldig`, BWV  656 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Schmücke dich,o liebe Seele`, BWV  654 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Trio super: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr`, BWV  664 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Trio super: Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend`, BWV  655 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Trio super: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland`, BWV  660 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Von Gott will ich nicht lassen`, BWV  658 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Vor deinen Thron tret` ich hiermit`, BWV  668 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Passacaglia and Fugue for Organ in c-moll, BWV  582 (Bach)
1976, église Notre-Sauveur de Copenhague
Первая часть не закончена

Pastorale for Organ in F-dur, BWV  590 (Bach)
Date of recording: 1975-76.

Prelude for Organ G-dur, BWV  568 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Prelude a-moll, BWV  569 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Prelude and Fugue for organ a-moll, BWV  551 (Bach)
Lionel Rogg - organ. Label: EMI. Release Date: 2009. Date of recording: 1975-76.

Prelude and Fugue for organ a-moll, BWV  551 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Prelude and Fugue for Organ h-moll, BWV  544 (Bach)
Запись 1975 г., Женева.

Prelude and Fugue for organ G-dur, BWV  550 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Prelude and Fugue for organ G-dur, BWV  541 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Danmark

Prelude and Fugue for organ g-moll, BWV  535 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Prelude and Fugue for organ g-moll, BWV  535 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Prelude and Fugue for Organ in D-dur (ca. 1708-12), BWV  532 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Prelude and Fugue for Organ in D-dur (ca. 1708-12), BWV  532 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Prelude and Fugue for Organ d-moll, BWV  539 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Prelude and Fugue for Organ d-moll, BWV  539 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Prelude and Fugue for organ С-dur, BWV  545 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue for organ С-dur, BWV  545 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Danmark

Prelude and Fugue for organ C-dur, BWV  547 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue for Organ in C-dur (ca. 1700-1703), BWV  531 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Prelude and Fugue for Organ in C-dur (ca. 1700-1703), BWV  531 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Prelude and Fugue for organ c-moll, BWV  549 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue for organ c-moll, BWV  549 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Prelude and Fugue for organ c-moll, BWV  546 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue for organ A-moll, BWV  536 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue for organ A-moll, BWV  536 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Prelude and Fugue for organ a-moll, BWV  543 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue for organ a-moll, BWV  543 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Danmark

Prelude and Fugue for Organ in e-moll (`Great`), BWV  548 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue for organ e-moll (ca, 1704), BWV  533 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Prelude and Fugue for organ e-moll (ca, 1704), BWV  533 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Prelude and Fugue for Organ in f-moll (ca. 1712-17), BWV  534 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Prelude and Fugue for Organ in f-moll (ca. 1712-17), BWV  534 (Bach)
1976, église Notre-Sauveur de Copenhague

Toccata (Prelude) and Fugue for Organ E-dur, BWV  566 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Denmark

Toccata and Fugue for Organ d-moll (`Dorian`) (ca. 1712-17), BWV  538 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Toccata and Fugue for Organ in d-moll (ок. 1705), BWV  565 (Bach)

Toccata and Fugue for organ F-dur, BWV  540 (Bach)

Toccata, Adagio and Fugue for organ C-dur, BWV  564 (Bach)
1. -
2. Adagio
3. Allegro

Trio Sonata for Organ No.1 in Es-dur (c.1730), BWV  525 (Bach)
Recorded between April 1975 and February 1976, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève.

Trio Sonata for Organ No.1 in Es-dur (c.1730), BWV  525 (Bach)
1970, l`église d`Arlesheim, Suisse.
1. Vivace
2. Largo
3. Allegro

Trio Sonata for Organ No.2 in c-moll (c.1730), BWV  526 (Bach)
1970, орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария).

Trio Sonata for Organ No.2 in c-moll (c.1730), BWV  526 (Bach)
1976, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève
1. Andante
2. Adagio e dolce
3. Vivace

Trio Sonata for Organ No.3 in d-moll (c.1730), BWV  527 (Bach)
1970,оОрган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария).

Trio Sonata for Organ No.3 in d-moll (c.1730), BWV  527 (Bach)
1976, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève
1. Adagio - Vivace
2. Andante
3. Un poco allegro

Trio Sonata for Organ No.4 in e-moll (c.1730), BWV  528 (Bach)
1970, орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария).

Trio Sonata for Organ No.4 in e-moll (c.1730), BWV  528 (Bach)
1976, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève
1. Allegro
2. Largo
3. Allegro

Trio Sonata for Organ No.5 in C-dur (c.1730), BWV  529 (Bach)
1976, église Notre-Sauveur de Copenhague

Trio Sonata for Organ No.5 in C-dur (c.1730), BWV  529 (Bach)
1970, l`église d`Arlesheim, Suisse.
1. Vivace
2. Lento
3. Allegro

Trio Sonata for Organ No.6 in G-moll (c.1730), BWV  530 (Bach)
1970, орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария).

Trio Sonata for Organ No.6 in G-moll (c.1730), BWV  530 (Bach)
1976, église Notre-Sauveur de Copenhague

Fantasia (Prelude) and Fugue for organ c-moll, BWV  537 (Bach)
Орган Зильберманна в Арлешайме (Швейцария)

Fantasia (Prelude) and Fugue for organ c-moll, BWV  537 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Danmark

Fantasia for Organ G-dur, BWV  572 (Bach)
Lionel Rogg - organ. Label: EMI. Release Date: 2009. Date of recording: 1975-76.

Fantasia for Organ in C-dur, BWV  570 (Bach)
Lionel Rogg - organ. Label: EMI. Release Date: 2009. Date of recording: 1975-76.
Fantasia con imitazione

Fantasia con imitazione for organ h-moll, BWV  563 (Bach)
Lionel Rogg - organ. Label: EMI. Release Date: 2009. Date of recording: 1975-76.

Fantasia and Fugue for Organ g-moll (`Great`) (ca, 1720), BWV  542 (Bach)

Fantasia and Fugue for Organ g-moll (`Great`) (ca, 1720), BWV  542 (Bach)
1976, Monastère de Sorø, Danmark

Fantasia and Fugue for organ c-moll, BWV  562 (Bach)
Lionel Rogg - organ. Label: EMI. Release Date: 2009. Date of recording: 1975-76.
на тему Арканджело Корелли (из Op.3 №4)

Fugue for Organ on a Corelli Theme h-moll, BWV  579 (Bach)
Lionel Rogg - organ. Label: EMI. Release Date: 2009. Date of recording: 1975-76.

Fugue for Organ g-moll, BWV  578 (Bach)
Lionel Rogg - organ. Label: EMI. Release Date: 2009. Date of recording: 1975-76.

Fugue for organ c-moll, BWV  575 (Bach)
Date of recording: 1975-76.

Chorale partita `Christ, der du bist der helle Tag` f-moll, BWV  766 (Bach)

Chorale partita `Christ, der du bist der helle Tag` f-moll, BWV  766 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Chorale partita `O Gott, du frommer Gott` c-moll, BWV  767 (Bach)

Chorale partita `O Gott, du frommer Gott` c-moll, BWV  767 (Bach)
1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse

Chorale partita `Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig` g-moll, BWV  768 (Bach)
1976, Klosterkirche de Muri, Switzerland

Chorale prelude `Vater unser im Himmelreich`, BWV  737 (Bach)

Chorale Preludes: I. `Orgelbuchlein` (exerpts), BWV  599-644 (Bach)
BWV 639.
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