La caduta di Baldassare

Опера `Кир в Вавилоне, или Падение Балтазара` (1812), EC  5 (Россини)
Baldassare – Riccardo Botta,tenor; Ciro – Annarita Gemmabella, contralto; Amira – Luisa Islam-Ali-Zade, mezzo-soprano; Argene – Maria Soulis, mezzo-soprano; Zambri – Robert Gierlach, bass; Arbace – Giorgio Trucco, tenor; Danielo – Giovanni Bellavia, bass-baritone. ARS Brunensis Chamber Choir, Wurttembergische Philharmonie Orchestra – Antonino Fogliani. Recorded live on 16th, 22nd and 24th July 2004 in the Kursaal, Bad Wildbad, Germany during the Rossini in Wildbad Festival
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