,  (Локшин)
Александр Локшин (1920–1987)

Verses by ancient Japanese poets
Allegretto. `The moon faintly shines in the morning`
Andante. `I know day will come, but night is then to follow`
Nina Grigorieva, Contralto. Moscow Chamber Orchestra
(муз. к к/ф Згуриди `Книга джунглей`). Гос. симф. оркестр Всесоюзного радио
Verses by Nikolai Zabolotsky
Chorus `In the birch tree grove`
Adagio. `With wide-brimmed hats, long jackets, with books filled with their own poems`
Choral. Chorus. `The speech of lovers is broken, the last starling has flown`
Nina Grigorieva, Contralto; Moscow Boys Choir; Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Conductor Rudolf Barshai (1997)
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