,  (Уокер)
Энтони Уокер (дирижер)

Jeffrey Thompson - Castor, Hadleigh Adams - Pollux, Celeste Lazarenko - Télaïre, Margaret Plummer - Phoebé, Paul Goodwin-Groen - Jupiter, Anna Fraser - Cléone / Follower of Hébé/ A Spirit, Pascal Herington - Mercure/The Athlete, Mark Donnelly - High Priest. Cantillation. Orchestra of the Antipodes. Recorded live in City Recital Hall Angel Place on 6, 8, 9 and 10 December 2012.
Iphigénie - Caitlin Hulcup, Oreste - Grant Doyle, Pylade - Christopher Saunders, Thoas - Christopher Richardson, Diane/Priestess/Greek woman - Margaret Plummer, Scythian Guard/Minister - Nicholas Dinopoulos. Cantillation choir. Orchestra of the Antipodes. Rec. live, City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney, Australia, December 2014.
Paul Agnew - Dardanus, Paul Whelan - Anténor, Kathryn McCusker - Iphise, Stephen Bennett - Teucer, Damian Whiteley - Isménor, Penelope Mills - Vénus, Miriam Allan - Une Phrygienne, Un Songe. Choir `Cantillation`. 30 November and 3, 4 and 5 December 2005, City Recital Hall Angel Place, Sidney.
2005 год.
Mark Tucker (Orfeo -tenor-)
Penelope Mills (Euridice -soprano-)
Sara Macliver (La Musica/Messaggiera/Proserpina -soprano-)
Josie Ryan (Ninfa -soprano-)
Anna Fraser (Speranza -soprano-)
Damian Whiteley (Caronte/Plutone -bass-)
Brett Weymark (Eco -tenor-)
Paul McMahon (Apollo -tenor-)
Paul McMahon, Brett Weymark, Jenny Duck-Chong -mezzo-, David Greco -baritone-, Philip Chu -tenor-, Craig Everingham -bass-, Belinda Montgomery -soprano-, Raff Wilson -tenor- & Daniel Walker -tenor-
Запись 2008 года.
David - Anders J. Dahlin;
Jonathas - Sara McIver;
Saül - Dean Robinson;
Achis - Richard Anderson;
Joabel - Simon Lobelson;
La Pythonisse - Paul McMahon;
L’ombre de Samüel - David Parkin;
Un du peuple / Un de la suite de David - Andrei Laptev.
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