1. I have something sweet to tell you.
2. O! Say, My Leila, Is it so?
3. Loving hearts.
4. The Forsaken (Fantasy for Voice and Pianoforte).
5. Hope on. (Aria)
6. Hope`s Diadem (An impromptu)....Читать дальше
![]() Энтони Филип Генрих (1781–1861)`Sunset Chimes`, 12 песен для вокала и фортепиано (или органа) Скачать ноты ![]() 1. I have something sweet to tell you.
2. O! Say, My Leila, Is it so? 3. Loving hearts. 4. The Forsaken (Fantasy for Voice and Pianoforte). 5. Hope on. (Aria) 6. Hope`s Diadem (An impromptu)....Читать дальше
1. I have something sweet to tell you.
2. O! Say, My Leila, Is it so? 3. Loving hearts. 4. The Forsaken (Fantasy for Voice and Pianoforte). 5. Hope on. (Aria) 6. Hope`s Diadem (An impromptu). 7. Remember me, while the heart can beat. 8. `Forget Me Not`, Canzonetta Sentimentale. 9. Capriccio Vocale 10. The Boston Bard to his Old Coat. 11. Must I resign so Fair a Prize? 12. That Awful Day will Surely Come. Х Свернуть Выводить записи: по популярности | по рейтингу исполнителя | по алфавиту |