`Мод`, 13 песен для вокала и фортепиано (1898),  (Сомервелл)

Артур Сомервелл (1863–1937)

`Мод`, 13 песен для вокала и фортепиано (1898)

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I Hate the Dreadful Hollow
A Coice by the Cedar Tree
She Came to the Village Church
O Let the Solid Ground
Birds in the High Hall Garden
Maud has a Garden
Go Not, Happy Day
I Have Led Her...Читать дальше
I Hate the Dreadful Hollow
A Coice by the Cedar Tree
She Came to the Village Church
O Let the Solid Ground
Birds in the High Hall Garden
Maud has a Garden
Go Not, Happy Day
I Have Led Her Home
Come into the Garden, Maud
The Fault was Mine
Dead, Long Dead
O That `twere Possible
My Life has Crept so Long

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