Сюита для симфонического оркестра №3 мажор `Сельская` (1937-38), op.27 (Энеску)

Джордже Энеску (1881–1955)

Сюита для симфонического оркестра №3 мажор `Сельская` (1937-38), op.27

1. Renouveau champêtre
2. Gamins en plain air
3. La vieille maison de l`enface, au soleil couchant. Pâtre. Oiseaux migrateurs et corbeaux. Cloche vespérale
4. Rivière sous la lune
5. Danses rustiques

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I. The countryside anew. II. Children out of doors. III. The old childhood house at sunset. Shepherd. Migratory birds and crows. The evening bell. IV. River in the moonlight. V. Country Dances.

Orchrstral Suite No. 3 `Villageoise`, op. 27: I. The countryside anew - II. Children out of doors - III. The old childhood house at sunset. Shepherd. Migratory birds and crows. The evening bell - IV. River in the moonlight - V. Country Dances / Rec. at the Radio Concert Hall, Bucharest, October 1993.
