But what about the noise of crumpling paper (А как насчет шума комкания бумаги...), для 3-10 ударников (1985), JC.256 (Кейдж)

Джон Кейдж (1912–1992)

But what about the noise of crumpling paper (А как насчет шума комкания бумаги...), для 3-10 ударников (1985), JC.256

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But what about the noise of crumpling paper which he used to do in order to paint the series of `Papiers froisses` or tearing up paper to make `Papiers dechires?` Arp was stimulated by water (sea,...Читать дальше
But what about the noise of crumpling paper which he used to do in order to paint the series of `Papiers froisses` or tearing up paper to make `Papiers dechires?` Arp was stimulated by water (sea, lake, and flowing waters like rivers), forests

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