Сюита `Маски из Бергамо` (1919), op.112 (Форе)

Suite `Masques et Bergamasques`
1. Ouverture (from an abandoned 1869 symphony)
2. Pastorale (the only new movement)
3. Madrigal (op.35, 1884; for chorus and orchestra)
4. Le Plus Doux Chemin...Читать дальше

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Запись март 2017 года

Orchestra `Czech Philharmonic of Bohemia`. Без вокальных номеров: 1. Ouverture. 2.Menuet. 3.Gavotte. 4.Pastorale.

ф-но:Patrick De Hooge

Запись 1981 г., Лондон.

1.Ouverture (from an abandoned 1869 symphony)
2.Pastorale (the only new movement)
3.Madrigal (Op. 35, 1884; for chorus and orchestra)
4.Le Plus Doux Chemin (Op. 87 No. 1, 1904; for tenor and orchestra)
5.Menuet (from the 1869 symphony)
6.Clair de lune (Op. 46 No. 2, 1887; for tenor and orchestra)
7.Gavotte (from the 1869 symphony)
8.Pavane (Op. 50, 1887)
Николай Гедда-тенор.Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse
