Ода `Музыканты` для солистов, хора и оркестра (1912), op. 69 (Элгар)

Эдвард Элгар (1857–1934)

Ода `Музыканты` для солистов, хора и оркестра (1912), op. 69

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1 - Moderato e nobilmente
2 - We are the music makers
3 - With wonderful deathless ditties
4 - We, in the ages lying
5 - A breath of our inspiration
6 - They had no vision amazing
7 - And...Читать дальше
1 - Moderato e nobilmente
2 - We are the music makers
3 - With wonderful deathless ditties
4 - We, in the ages lying
5 - A breath of our inspiration
6 - They had no vision amazing
7 - And therefore to-day is thrilling
8 - But we, with our dreaming and singing
9 - For we are afar with the dawning
10 - Great hail! we cry to the comers

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Chorus master - Frederic Jackson. 1967.


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