Балет `The Prince of the Pagodas`, для оркестра (1956), op. 57 (Бриттен)

Бенджамин Бриттен (1913–1976)

Балет `The Prince of the Pagodas`, для оркестра (1956), op. 57


«Принц Пагод» (1956)
Балет в трех действиях, op. 57. По сценарию John Cranko
Посвящение: `To Imogen Holst and Ninette de Valois`
Действие I.
Сцена (The palace of the Emperor of the...Читать дальше
«Принц Пагод» (1956)
Балет в трех действиях, op. 57. По сценарию John Cranko
Посвящение: `To Imogen Holst and Ninette de Valois`
Действие I.
Сцена (The palace of the Emperor of the middle kingdom):
Variation of the King of the north - Variation of the King of the east - Variation of the King of the west - Variation of the King of the south - Variation of Princess Belle Epine - Variation of Princess Belle Rose and pas de deux.
Действие II.
Сцена 1 (The strange journey of Belle Rose to the pagoda land.):
Entrée (Sea horses, fish creatures and waves) – Variation 1 (Sea horses) – Variation 2 (Fish creatures) - Coda (Sea horses, fish creatures and waves)
Pas de deux (Male and Female flame) - Variation 1 (Male flame) - Variation 2 (Female flame) - Coda (Male and female flames and corps de ballet of flames)
Сцена 2 (The arrival and adventures of Belle Rose in the kingdom of the pagodas.): Pas de deux (The prince and Belle Rose).
Действие III
Сцена 1 (The palace of the middle kindom) Belle Epine is now Empress.
Сцена 2 (The pagoda palace):
Pas de six – Entrée - Variation 1 (Pas de deux) - Variation 2 (Girl`s solo) - Variation 3 (Boy`s solo) - Pas de trois – Coda. Pas de caractère (The Emperor and the fool)
Pas de deux (Belle Rose and the prince of the pagodas) – Variation 1 (The prince) - Variation 2 (Belle Rose)

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November 1994 - Pas de Six Op. 57a
