Te Deum Dettingen ре мажор (1743), HWV 283 (Гендель)

Георг Фридрих Гендель (1685–1759)

Te Deum Dettingen ре мажор (1743), HWV 283

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1. We praise thee, o God
2. All the earth doth worship thee
3. To thee all angels cry aloud
4. To thee Cherubim and Seraphim
5. The glorious company
6. Thou art the King of Glory, o Christ
7....Читать дальше
1. We praise thee, o God
2. All the earth doth worship thee
3. To thee all angels cry aloud
4. To thee Cherubim and Seraphim
5. The glorious company
6. Thou art the King of Glory, o Christ
7. When thou tookest upon thee
8. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death/Thou didst open the Kingdom
9. Thou sittest at the right hand of God
10. Symphony in D major
11. We therefore pray thee
12. Make them to be number`s with thy Saints
13. Vouchsafe, o Lord
14. O Lord, in thee have I trusted

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Фестивальный оркестр Генделя в Халле

Soprano – Annette de la Bije, tenor – Arjan Blanken, bass – David Hollestelle. Choir Of The Netherlands Bach Society. Live recording at the Holland Festival 1958.

Solistenvereinigung und Grosser Chor des Berliner Rundfunks. Gunther Leib - barítone. Запись - сентябрь 1968 г., Берлин.

Christopher Tipping - alto, Harry Christophers - tenor, Stephen Varcoe, Michael Pearce - basses. Trevor Pinnock - organ. Choir of Westminster Abbey. Запись 1982 г., Лондон.

Ulrike Andersen - contralto, Mark Wilde - tenor. Concerto Polacco. Alsfelder Vocal Ensemble. Запись - 12-16 августа 1999 г., Темплин, Германия.

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