`A Wonder of Naxi` (×óäî Íàêñè),  (Öçÿíü-Èð)

×æó Öçÿíü-Èð (ðîä. 1922)

`A Wonder of Naxi` (×óäî Íàêñè)

    Ñêà÷àòü íîòû

Âûâîäèòü çàïèñè: ïî ïîïóëÿðíîñòè | ïî ðåéòèíãó èñïîëíèòåëÿ | ïî àëôàâèòó

I. Water Dropping In Brass Basin (4:31),
II. Bees Crossing the River (2:31),
III. Heart To Heart Talking Between Mother and Daughter (4:12),
IV. The Red-deer Hunting (4:02).

Hong Kong Sinfonietta,äèðèæ¸ð
Tsung Yeh.

Íàøè êîíòàêòû