Сюита из оперы `Хари Янош` (1926),  (Кодай)

Золтан Кодай (1882–1967)

Сюита из оперы `Хари Янош` (1926)

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1. Prelude; the Fairy Tale Begins
2. Viennese Musical Clock
3. Song
4. The Battle and Defeat of Napoleon
5. Intermezzo
6. Entrance of the Emperor and His Court

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Hungarian State Orchestra. Recorded at the Italian Institute in Budapest, April 15-17, 1988.

Live Broadcast - 29 November 1947

November 1956 - Minneapolis Symphony

With Laurence KAPTAIN (cimbalom). Recorded at Orchestra Hall, Chicago (USA), at live concerts, November 1993.

Live - 12 December 1940

September/December 1973

Recorded in Austria, 1990.

Венский оркестр Колонады, Released in 1960s.

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