Марш `Звёзды и полосы навсегда` (`The Stars and Stripes Forever`),  (Суза)

Джон Филип Суза (1854–1932)

Марш `Звёзды и полосы навсегда` (`The Stars and Stripes Forever`)

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24 October 1968

Запись - 29 декабря 1950 г.

Запись - 23 апреля 1951 г.

1990, Methuen Memorial Music Hall, Methuen.

11/12 August 1957

27 January 1986

(Orchestrated by Leopold Stokowski). Recorded in the Concert Hall of New Broadcasting House, Manchester (England), October 12-13, 1994.


23-27 September 1958




Sousa recorded this march in 1901 (acoustic recording) with his band. Listen to the spoken introduction, possibly by Sousa himself.


Recording date unknown - with The Promenade Orchestra
