Ода Утрехтскому миру для солистов, хора и оркестра,  (Крофт)

Уильям Крофт (1678–1727)

Ода Утрехтскому миру для солистов, хора и оркестра


1. Overture
2. Vers with noise of cannons
3. Aria (alto): A milder, happier strain we now begin
4. Chorus: Tuning to Peace
5. Duet (alto & basso): Peace is the Song
6. Chorus: The Soul of...Читать дальше
1. Overture
2. Vers with noise of cannons
3. Aria (alto): A milder, happier strain we now begin
4. Chorus: Tuning to Peace
5. Duet (alto & basso): Peace is the Song
6. Chorus: The Soul of Musick
7. Aria (alto): Nor will we ev`n the Martial Trumpet spare
8. Chorus: Where, Mighthy Anna, will thy Glories end

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Nicki KENNEDY (soprano), William TOWERS (alto), Wolfram LATTKE & Julian RODGER (tenores), Peter HARVEY (bass) / Netherlands Bach Society / con. Jos van Veldhoven / 2009
