The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): № 3. `Behold a wonder here`,  (Доуленд)

For Queen Elizabeth

Behold a wonder here
Love hath receiv’d his sight
which manie hundred yeares,
hath not beheld the light.

Such beames infused be
By Cinthia in his eyes,
As first have...Читать дальше

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Запись - 21-23 апреля 1999 г., Великобритания.

Запись - 6-8 апреля 2013 г., Саффолк.

Год выпуска диска: 1992.

Апрель 2004 г., Швеция.

Дата записи: 1976-1977.

LA NEF: Sylvain Bergeron (lute, baroque guitar); Sean Dagher (cittern); Patrick Graham (percussion); Andrew Horton (double bass); Grégoire Jeay (flutes); Alex Kehler (violin); Amanda Keesmaat (baroque cello); Betsy MacMillan (viola da gamba). Recorded in September 2010 at Saint-Augustin Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel, Québec, Canada.