Оратория `Sancta Civitas` (`Святой город`, 1923-1925),  (Воан-Уильямс)

Ральф Воан-Уильямс (1872–1958)

Оратория `Sancta Civitas` (`Святой город`, 1923-1925)

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I was in the spirit (Lento)
And I saw Heaven opened (Allegro)
And I saw an angel standing in the sun (Meno mosso)
Babylon the great is fallen (Lento)
Rejoice over her O Heavens (Allegro...Читать дальше
I was in the spirit (Lento)
And I saw Heaven opened (Allegro)
And I saw an angel standing in the sun (Meno mosso)
Babylon the great is fallen (Lento)
Rejoice over her O Heavens (Allegro moderato)
And I saw a new heaven (Adagio)
Therefore are they before the throne of God (Poco meno largo)
And I saw a pure river
Holy, Holy, Holy (Andante sostenuto)
Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory (Poco animato)

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Boys Of King`s College Choir, Cambridge; Bach Choir. Запись - 18-19 января 1968 г., Лондон.

Choirs: Winchester Cathedral Choristers, Winchester College Quiristers, The Bach Choir. Soloists: Andrew Staples - tenor, Matthew Brook - baritone. Запись - 26-27 сентября, 2009, Англия.
