For Frank O`Hara (flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion (two players) and conductor),  (Фелдмэн)

Мортон Фелдмэн (1926–1987)

For Frank O`Hara (flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion (two players) and conductor)

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Tara Helen O`Connor - flute, Marianne Gythfeldt - clarinet, Sunghae Anna Lim - violin, Gregory Hesselink - cello, Margaret Kampmeier - piano and celesta, Thomas Kolor- percussion, John Ferrari - percussion. New Millennium Ensemble. Запись - 1999 г.

Ralf Mielke - flute, Stefan Stopora - schlgzeug, Winfried Nitzsche - schlagzeug, Matthias Moosdorf - cello. Запись - 18 сентября 1995 г., Берлин.

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