Реквием для сопрано, баритона, хора и оркестра (1913-16),  (Дилиус)

Фредерик Дилиус (1862–1934)

Реквием для сопрано, баритона, хора и оркестра (1913-16)

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`To the memory of all young artists fallen in the war`

Our days here are as one day (chorus, baritone)
Hallelujah (chorus, baritone)
My beloved whom I cherish was like a flower (baritone,...Читать дальше
`To the memory of all young artists fallen in the war`

Our days here are as one day (chorus, baritone)
Hallelujah (chorus, baritone)
My beloved whom I cherish was like a flower (baritone, chorus)
I honour the man who can love life, yet without base fear can die (soprano, chorus)
The snow lingers yet on the mountains (baritone, soprano, chorus)

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Петер Коулмэн-Райт - баритон. Запись - 9 июня 1996 г., Великобритания.

Thomas Hemsley - baritone. Запись 1965 г., Ливерпуль (live).

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