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I. Salbung in Bethanien
II. Abendmahl
III. Am Ölberg
IV. Falsches Zeugnis
V. Verhör von Kaiphas und Pilatus
VI. Überantwortung und Geißelung
VII. Kreuzigung
VIII. Grablegung

N1-Come, ya daughters. N9-My Master and my Lord ... Grief for sin. N33-Behold, my Saviour gone. N36-Ah! Now is my Saviour gone. N47-Have mercy, Lord, on me ... Lamb of God, I fall before Thee. N60-O gracious God! ... If my tears be unavailing. N63-O sacred head surroN72-Be near me, Lord, when dyunded. N69-Ah, Golgotha! ... See ye! See the Saviours outstreched Hands!. ing. N77-And now the Lord to rest is laid ... In tears of grief. The Bach Choir The Jacques Orchestra King. 1947год

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