Лионель Бренгье

Лионель Бренгье (дирижер)
1. Lento – Andante –
2. Allegro –
3. Tempo I

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra № 2 in D-dur (for Left Hand, 1929-30), M 82 (Ravel)
Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 4/2015.
1. Allegramente
2. Adagio assai
3. Presto

Piano Concerto № 1 in G-dur (1929-31), M 83 (Ravel)
Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 4/2015.

`Scheherazade`, overture (1898), M 17 (Ravel)
Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.

Bolero, for orchestra (1928), M 81 (Ravel)
Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
Pavane pour une infante dеfunte

Pavane pour une infante dеfunte (for Piano (1899); Orchestra (1910)), M 19 (Ravel)
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conductor Lionel Bringuier. Deutsche Grammophon. Int. Release 08 Apr. 2016. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
Авторский подзаголовок: «хореографическая поэма»

Valse, a choreographic poem (La valse) (1920), M 72 (Ravel)
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Lionel Bringuier - conductor. Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, 20 February 2009.

Valse, a choreographic poem (La valse) (1920), M 72 (Ravel)
Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
Daphnis et Choe

Ballet `Daphnis and Chloe`  (1909-12), M 57 (Ravel)
Zürcher Sing-Akademie, Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conductor Lionel Bringuier. Deutsche Grammophon. Int. Release 08 Apr. 2016. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
1. Prelude
2. Fugue
3. Forlane
4. Rigaudon
5. Menuet
6. Toccata

`Le Tombeau de Couperin` Suite for Piano (1914-17), M 68 (Ravel)
Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
1. Прелюдия к ночи (Prélude à la nuit)
2. Малагенья (Malaguena)
3. Хабанера (Habanera) — оркестровка «Хабанеры» для двух фортепиано, соч. 1895 г.
4. Ферия (Feria)

`Rapsodie espagnole` for Orchestra (1907), M 54 (Ravel)
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conductor Lionel Bringuier. Deutsche Grammophon. Int. Release 08 Apr. 2016. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
Valses nobles et sentimentales
1. Modéré très franc
2. Assez lent
3. Modéré
4. Assez animé
5. Presque lent
6. Vif
7. Moins vif
8. Epilogue. Lent

`Valses nobles et sentimentales` for piano (1911), orchestra (1912), M 61 (Ravel)
Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
Оркестровка пьес сюиты M 60 с добавлением двух пьес.

Ballet `Mother Goose` (Ma mire l oye), M 62 (Ravel)
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conductor Lionel Bringuier. Deutsche Grammophon. Int. Release 08 Apr. 2016. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.

`Menuet antique`  for piano (1895), orchestra (1929), M  7 (Ravel)
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conductor Lionel Bringuier. Deutsche Grammophon. Int. Release 08 Apr. 2016. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.

Parts of Works,  (Ravel)
Miroirs, M.43 - № 3 `Une barque sur l`océan`; № 4 `Alborada del gracioso`. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2014, 1, 4 & 9–11/2015.
Детский балет `Веер Жанны` - плод коллективного творчества 10 французских композиторов, включая М. Равеля.

`Fanfare`, a dance for the children`s ballet `L`éventail de Jeanne`(1927), M 80 (Ravel)
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conductor Lionel Bringuier. Deutsche Grammophon. Int. Release 08 Apr. 2016. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2015.

`Tzigane`, rhapsody for violin and piano/orchestra (1924), M 76 (Ravel)
Ray Chen - violin. Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conductor Lionel Bringuier. Deutsche Grammophon. Int. Release 08 Apr. 2016. Live Recordings: Tonhalle, Zurich, 11/2015.
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