Ixion - Summerspace, ballet pour ensemble de chambre ou deux pianos (1958),  (Feldman)
Eos Ensemble

Madame Press died last week at ninety, for ensemble (1970),  (Feldman)
Dedicated to Madame Maurina-Press.

The Rothko Chapel pour soprano, contralto, double choeur et trois instruments (1971),  (Feldman)
John Stulz, alto // Geraldine Dutronc, celesta // Samuel Favre, percussions // Les Cris de Paris // Gregor A. Mayrhofer, direction

Для Сэмюэля Беккета.

Neither, opera (1977),  (Feldman)
Либретто: Сэмюэль Беккет

Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano (1980),  (Feldman)
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