,  (Машо)
Гильом де Машо (1300–1377)
1995, собор Нотр-Дам в Реймсе.

The Waverly Consort conducted by Michael Jaffee. 1973, USA

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

The Hilliard Ensemble



The Early Music Consort of London

Ensemble Gilles Binchois. Запись - октябрь 1988 г., Франция.

Запись - 7-8 апреля 1983 г.

The Hilliard Ensemble

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Director Dominique Vellard

The Early Music Consort of London


Ensemble Gilles Binchois

The Waverly Consort conducted by Michael Jaffee. 1973, USA

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

The Midieval ensemble of London

Uncorn Ensemble, 1995, Vienna.

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

The Waverly Consort conducted by Michael Jaffee. 1973, USA

The Hilliard Ensemble

The Early Music Consort of London

Recorded in Boxgrove Priory, Chichester, on 11–13 December 1991.

The Hilliard Ensemble

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

The Hilliard Ensemble

Ensemble Gilles Binchois

The Hilliard Ensemble

Ensemble Gillles Binchois

The Hilliard Ensemble

Ансамбль старинной музыки Hortus musicus. Helle Mustonen – soprano. Альбом «Ave…». Запись: Tallinn Merchant Guild и Estonia Concert Hall, 1998

The Midieval ensemble of London

The Hilliard Ensemble

The Hilliard Ensemble


The Hilliard Ensemble



The Hilliard Ensemble

The Hilliard Ensemble

Год выпуска диска: 1996.

The Hilliard Ensemble


Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

The Hilliard Ensemble

Margaret Philpot (contralto) / Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor) / Peter McCrae (baritone) / 1983

Margaret Philpot (contralto) / Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor) / Andrew King (tenor) / 1983

Emily van Evera (soprano) / Margaret Philpot (contralto) / Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor) / Andrew King (tenor) / 1983

Recorded in Boxgrove Priory, Chichester, on 11–13 December 1991.

Drew Minter (countertenor, harp, percussion), Mark Rimple (countertenor, lute, psaltery), Marcia Young (soprano, harp) / Poughkeepsie, NY, 2004


Mary Thomas (soprano), Alfred Deller (counter-tenor & dir.), Robert Tear (tenor), Alice Harnoncourt (pardessus de viole), Hermann Hobart (bassfiedel), Jurg Schaeftlein (recorder), Kurt Theiner (portable organ), Hans Pottler (trombone), Leopold Stasny (recorder, percussion), Ernst Knava (percussion) / 2008

Recorded in Boxgrove Priory, Chichester, on 11–13 December 1991.

Michael Collver (countertenor), Shira Kammen (vielle), Laurie Monahan (mezzo-soprano), Randall Cook (vielle) / Wellesley, MA, 1987

Джулиан Поджер, Стивен Гаррольд - тенора. Запись - 20-22 февраля 2006 г., Великобритания.

Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

Год выпуска диска: 1996.

Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

Ensembles discantus & Alla Francesca. 2012-2013.

Год выпуска диска: 1996.

Год выпуска диска: 1996.

Emily van Evera (soprano) / Margaret Philpot (contralto) / Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor) / Andrew King (tenor) / 1983

Marnix de Cat (counter-tenor), Tore Denys (tenor), Lieven Termont (baritone), Dirk Snellings (bass), Jan Van Outryve (lute), Liam Fennelly (fiddle), Patrick Denecker (flutes) / Sint-Camilluskapel, Bierbeek, Belgium, 2008

Recorded: January 2013, UK.

Emma Kirkby (soprano) / 1983

Запись - 20-22 февраля 2006 г., Великобритания.


CHRISTOPHER PAGE - medieval lute. Recorded in Boxgrove Priory, Chichester, on 11–13 December 1991.

Recorded at Eremo di Ronzano, Bologna, April 1997.

Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

Recorded: July 2018, UK.

Kees Boeke - flute & viuela. Запись - 23-25 мая 2001 г., Ареццо, Италия.

Colin Scott Mason (baritone) / 1983

Kees Boeke - flute & viuela. Запись - 23-25 мая 2001 г., Ареццо, Италия.

Anne-Marie Lablaude (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, harp, percussion), Akira Tachikawa (voice), Dominique Vellard (voice, gittern), Emmanuel Bonnardot (voice, fiddle, rebec), Pierre Hamon (recorders, flute, bagpipes), Randall Cook (fiddle, recorder) // 1994

Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor) / 1983

Запись - 20-22 февраля 2006 г., Великобритания.

Запись - 20-22 февраля 2006 г., Великобритания.

Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

Recording : Chapelle Saint-Claude, Plougastel-Daoulas, Bretagne, France, June, 1996.

CD 2009

Recorded: February 2017, UK.

Recorded: May 2014, UK.

Recorded: July 2018, UK.

CD 2009

Shira Kammen (vielle), Laurie Monahan (mezzo-soprano), Randall Cook (vielle) / Wellesley, MA, 1987

Marc Lewon (vocal, lute, vielle), Agnieszka Budzińska-Bennett (vocal, harp, symphonia), Jane Achtman (vielle) // CD 2020

CD 2009

Recorded: January 2013, UK.


Kees Boeke - flute & viuela. Запись - 23-25 мая 2001 г., Ареццо, Италия.

CD 2001


CD 2011

Anne-Marie Lablaude (voice), Brigitte Lesne (voice, harp, percussion), Akira Tachikawa (voice), Dominique Vellard (voice, gittern), Emmanuel Bonnardot (voice, fiddle, rebec), Pierre Hamon (recorders, flute, bagpipes), Randall Cook (fiddle, recorder) // 1994

Recorded: May 2014, UK.

Recorded: May 2014, UK.

Recorded: May 2014, UK.

Recorded: July 2018, UK.

Recorded: July 2018, UK.

CD 2013

CD 2013

Recorded: February 2017, UK.

CD 2013

Recorded: February 2017, UK. (3vv).

Recorded: July 2018, UK.

Recorded: July 2018, UK.

Recorded: July 2018, UK.

Recorded: February 2017, UK.

CD 2013

Recorded: May 2014, UK.

Recorded: May 2014, UK.

CD 2013

CD 2013

CD 2013

CD 2013

CD 2013

CD 2013

CD 2013
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