,  (Ленард)
Ондрей Ленард (дирижер)

Rec. 1989, Bratislava.



1987, Братислава


Rec. 29-30 January 1990, Bratislava.


Иван Павлович (фортепиано)

Recorded at the Moyzes Hall in Bratislava, January 11-12, 1990.

Запись - 24-25 ноября 1988 г., Братислава.


Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra

Czechoslovak Radio Symphony Orchestra; Slovak Philharmonic Choir - Pavol Baxa (choirmaster); 1982

Recorded at the Moyzes Hall in Bratislava, November 8-9, 1989.


Recorded at the Moyzes Hall in Bratislava, December 13-14, 1989.

1994 г.

October 1988

October 1988

Masterpiece Memories, for five wind instruments and string orchestra was written after World War years, when Ján Cikker lived in surrounding of beatiful slovak nature. This composition was devoted to the members of Mountain Rescue Service. Premiere was in 1949.

Запись - 4-6 апреля 1990 г., Братислава.

29-31 March/16-22 October 1989 - with Dagmar Peckova (Mezzo) - Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir - Bratislava Childrens` Choir - Youth Echo Choir - Slovak Opera Chorus - Slovak Folk Ensemble Chorus - Lucnica Chorus - Bratislava City Choir
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