Îäà `Ñòðàñòè` (1750),  (Õåéñ)

First Part
1 Ouverture (Larghetto - Allegro)
2 Aria (Andante)
3 Aria (Allegro)
4 Recitativo accompagnato “When music, heav’nly maid, was young”
5 Song (Fear) “First Fear his hand”...×èòàòü äàëüøå
First Part
1 Ouverture (Larghetto - Allegro)
2 Aria (Andante)
3 Aria (Allegro)
4 Recitativo accompagnato “When music, heav’nly maid, was young”
5 Song (Fear) “First Fear his hand” (Andante)
6 Song (Anger) “Next Anger rushed” (Allegro)
7 Song (Despair) “With woeful measures” (Largo)
8 Recitativo “But thou, O Hope”
9 Song (Hope) “Still it whispered promised pleasure” (Andante moderato)
10 Recitativo “And longer had she sung”
11 Song (Revenge) “He threw his blood-stained sword”
12 Chorus “Revenge impatient rose”

Second Part
13 Symphony (Spiritoso - Allegro)
14 Recitativo “Thy numbers, Jealousy”
15 Song ( Jealousy) “Of differing themes” (Andante Largo - Allegro)
16 Song (Melancholy) “With eyes upraised”
17 Recitativo “But Oh, how altered”
18 Song (Cheerfulness & Chorus) “When Cheerfulness” (Andante)
19 Recitativo “Last came Joy”
20 Song ( Joy & Chorus) “He with viney crown advancing” (Vivace)
21 Recitativo accompagnato “But ah! Madness away”
22 Song (Reason) “In vain each seeks” (Larghetto)
23 Chorus “Thy wide extended power” (Andante Largo - Tempo ordinario)

Õ Ñâåðíóòü

Âûâîäèòü çàïèñè: ïî ïîïóëÿðíîñòè | ïî ðåéòèíãó èñïîëíèòåëÿ | ïî àëôàâèòó

Narrator: Evelyn Tubb (soprano); Fear: David Munderloh (tenor); Anger: Lisandro Abadie (bass); Despair: David Munderloh (tenor); Hope: Ulrike Hofbauer (soprano); Revenge: Lisandro Abadie (bass); Jealousy: Sumihito Uesugi (countertenor); Melancholy: Evelyn Tubb (soprano); Cheerfulness: Evelyn Tubb, Ulrike Hofbauer (sopranos); Joy: Sumihito Uesugi (countertenor); Reason: Ulrike Hofbauer, (soprano) // Chor der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis // recorded in the Volkshaus Basel in 2008

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